Improvements to Waterfoot Centre

Published March 21, 2016 at 13:25

Rossendale Council unveils proposed plans for improvements to Waterfoot Centre.

Following the building of the new residential development, Whitwell Court, Rossendale Council has made funding available to improve the adjacent public space and car park area.

A public consultation exercise was undertaken in 2015 to find out how local residents would like the area to be improved and what features they would like incorporating into the plans.  The Council is working with local Community Interest Company Proffitts to make improvements to the area in line with people’s suggestions.

People can comment on the plans here.

£53,000 is available for the scheme, and it is hoped that additional external grant funding can be secured to enable the plan to be fully realised.  The initial sketch designs include ideas on tidying up the car park including the addition of 6 new spaces and creating an attractive community space where the old play area used to be.  There will be additional planted areas and a ramped access from Wood Lea Road for buggies and wheelchairs.  Secure fencing will be installed by Whitewell Brook to allow views of the river without giving general access. The initial plans are for people to comment on and there is the ability to make suggestions.

Cllr Alyson Barnes, Leader of Rossendale Council said;

“When Whitwell Court was built the Council undertook to improve the car park area and its great to see the plans which look really good and will make a big difference to the centre of Waterfoot.”

Martin Proffitt from Proffitts CIC said;

“In drawing up the plans we’ve listened to people’s views from the consultation and incorporated the features people wanted.  I’m optimistic that we can secure the extra grant funding to create a great scheme in Waterfoot”

The proposed plans are below, on Council and Proffitts website and a drop in session will be arranged for people to view the plans locally and comment, this will be advertised once organised. Comments on the scheme can be placed on Proffitts Website.

21.03.2016 Improvements to Waterfoot Town Centre PR Photo

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