Published on March 3, 2020 at 3:17 pm
Following on from Storm Dennis and Storm Ciara, there has been some confusion over grants and compensation for people affected by flooding and storm damage.
Any compensation comes from a Government scheme – the Flood Recovery Framework. This is for local council areas that had been significantly impacted.
The criteria for who is eligible for funding is determined by the government not Rossendale Council.
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Published on October 24, 2018 at 10:55 am
Rossendale Council has welcomed news that the Government is looking at overhauling national standards for taxi drivers in a move to improve passenger safety.
The news comes via a new publication that is the result of a Government-backed review into the industry.
It makes 34 recommendations across a wide range of areas including an urgent review of legislation and introduction of a national minimum standard for taxi licensing.
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Published on November 18, 2016 at 3:51 pm
On Tuesday Novemeber15th Rossendale Council took part in the Local Government Association’s (LGA) “Tweetathon” for their #OurDay campaign and we wanted to share the content with all those not on twitter as well.
#OurDay is organised by the LGA to focus on what services Councils provide, and to give communities a flavour of a typical day at the Council.
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Published on November 15, 2016 at 8:51 am
From collecting waste to environmental health checks, and community grants to planning approval, the hundreds of vital local services delivered by councils will be brought to life in 140 characters when staff from Rossendale Council take part in a tweetathon on Tuesday 15 November.
We will be among thousands nationwide to tweet using the hashtag #OurDay, to give residents an insight into the hundreds of jobs councils do every day.
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Published on February 1, 2016 at 9:43 am
All private landlords in England, including people who sublet or take in lodgers, will have to check their tenants have the right to be in the UK before renting a property.
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