Published November 24, 2016 at 15:05
Application reference: 2015/0241
Appeal references: APP/B2355/W/16/3152975
Gate House Farm, Bamford Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0RT
The Council wishes to notify that the Planning hearing scheduled for 29th November 2016 at 10:00am at Room 110, The Business Centre, Futures Park, Bacup, Lancashire, OL13 0BB has been cancelled.
The Planning Inspectorate has changed the appeal procedure to written representations and therefore a hearing will not now take place. We apologise for the late notice however the Local Authority has only recently been made aware of this.
All representations made towards this appeal have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. The Inspector will undertake an unaccompanied site visit in due course and will then issue a decision.