Published March 28, 2018 at 16:06
Landlords in Rossendale will now have to meet minimum criteria around energy efficiency before they can rent properties, as a result of new rules that come into force next week.
From April 1, all rented homes in England and Wales must have a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E. An EPC provides a rating of how efficiently a home uses energy, ranging from Grade A (most efficient), to Grade G (least efficient).
The new rules will apply to new tenancies and renewals initially, before being extended to all existing tenancies by 2020.
The Council will have powers to issue fines of up to £5000 to any landlords of domestic properties who fail to adhere to the regulations. For non-domestic properties this figure can be higher.
Certain exemptions apply including if a tenant refuses consent, the required works devalue the property by more than 5%, or if the property cannot be brought up to the standard.
Tenants living in F- and G-rated homes will be able to request improvements, such as more insulation. The landlord will then be legally bound to bring the home up to an E-rating, unless the exemptions are met.
Phil Morton, Public Protection Manager, said:
It’s vital that people live in homes that are up to a decent standard. The new rules will ensure reasonable conditions for all and, with the power to issue fines where appropriate, we will take very seriously any landlords not abiding by them.